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UFR 926


IPCM  - UMR 8232

 :Corinne AUBERT (%20corinne.aubert @ upmc.fr)


The IPCM (Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire/Parisian Institute for Molecular Chemistry) is a joint research unit between UPMC (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6) and CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Our research activities encompass the wide area of molecular chemistry and bring together both knowledge and know-how related to many complementary fields within the framework of multi-scale molecular chemistry. Among these, the variety of research areas ranges from inorganic and organic chemistry and expands to the borders with biology, material chemistry and more generally the area of molecular nanosciences and polymer sciences.
Great efforts are dedicated to the development and application of these research fields with emphasis on tackling broad societal issues and challenges associated to health, sustainability, energy and information technologies).



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